THERE is a bit of overbidding here. North liked the length and quality of the clubs suit and went ahead with the slam. Nevertheless, it is a good slam.
There are two certain winners in spades and in diamonds. By forcing out ♥A, there are three guaranteed winners there. That comes to seven.
Thus five club winners are required. If you win only four club tricks, the fall back position is the diamond finesse.
Leading low to ♣K seems routine, but if East has all five clubs, you can’t win five tricks in that suit. Even if West has one club and East has ♣Jxxx, you are not likely to pick up the Nevertheless, low to ♣K and then low to ♣Q caters to West having four clubs.
The play in clubs is surprising. Win the spade and plunk down ♣Q. The advantage of playing ♣Q is if East shows out, it will be simple to win five club tricks. If East follows to the first club but shows out on a second club lead to the ♣K, the finesse is still available. As it happens, clubs behave favorably, West holding all five.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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