Sunday, 16 June 2019


WE are in the midst of THE 52nd APBF championship in Singapore. The slogan is ‘Peace and Sport', it says ‘be a part of what matters.’ 

Today’s deal arose in the match between Great Britain and Israel in the 1997 Women’s Teams. Israel reached 5♣ without any hitch and there was no problem in the play.

Liz McGowan for Great Britain was in 4. McGowan made a good play. She discarded a club on the second heart, ruffed the third heart in dummy and then led a trump to the King, followed by the spade Queen. When 10 dropped on the second round of spades, declarer lost just two hearts and one trump

Had the declarer ruffed the second heart, East would duck the first round of spades, take the second round and lead a third heart, forcing declarer to ruff. Now declarer would run out of trumps before East.

‘You can discover more about a person in one hour of play than in a year of conversation’.

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