IN the above
deal West’s bid of two clubs was the ‘Landy’ convention, showing length in both
major suits. West might have made two hearts, so North-South tried 3NT.
When West
led the ♥K, East played the deuce and South had the ♥A-J left, he shifted to a
club, South won, lost a diamond finesse to East, won the heart return, and
claimed with four club tricks, four diamonds and a heart.
West forgot
he had the second suit his bid had shown. He defeats 3NT if he shifts to a
spade at the second trick – and to the Queen. If South takes the ♠K and leads
a club to his hand and loses the diamond finesse. East can return a spade
through South’s Jack, Letting West cash three spades. If instead South let ♠Q
win, West continues with a low spade and the result is the same, down one.
‘Raise your
words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.’
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora