Sunday, 12 May 2019


‘The wind is tossing the flowers. The new leaves laugh in the sun. But for me the spring is done.’

DUMMY'SA won and J was passed for a losing finesse. West shifted accurately to clubs, knocking out South’s  A. Trumps were drawn and success rested with the spade finesse. This lost and the defenders took a total five tricks for two down.

South didn’t choose the best line for 10 tricks. South should have refused the trump finesse at trick two and cash his A and K . Next comes the losing spade finesse and East would shift to clubs. South must duck one round, and should win the next and then run spades. West would ruff but has no club to lead, and South would score his 10 tricks.

‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.'

Happy mother's day!

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