Sunday, 5 May 2019


SOUTH wins the first club and knocks out East’s A. East switches to spades and South wins his ♠K. South knows that his only real chance rests with hearts.

If South cashes one high heart and uses dummy’s only entry to try heart finesse, the game collapses. Even if hearts split 3-3, South can never get back to dummy to cash his ninth winner, and defender gets the plus score. 

The simple heart finesse offers a 50-50 chance. South improves his chances if he plays A and K from his own hand. When East’s 10 drops he continues with J to establish dummy’s 9 for his game going trick.

The winning play of heart is better than the straight finesse. Success comes when either 10 or Q drops singleton or doubleton or suit breaks 3-3.
‘Why do cheetahs always win?’
‘Because they cheat.’

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

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