Sunday, 10 February 2019

The need of a finesse

Today is the 15th Family Bridge Tournament at the Majestic Bombay Gymkhana in loving memory of Minoo Daver, the pioneer of this beautiful concept of involving the family. His gentle, loving and noble wife Dina, with the help of Hosie Hoosein, has been organising this event very successfully every year. Dr Dhanandjay Subarao is the pillar of strength behind this organisation. 

Would it make any difference if South had ♠Q in his hand instead of ♠4? 

South must try dummy’s Q at trick one. If it wins, South can afford a losing diamond finesse. But if East produces K, South will need the diamond finesse. 

However, if South had ♠Q as well, it will need the diamond finesse to win as well. Then South should play low from the dummy at trick one, and win in hand and take the diamond finesse. Everything is under control and South would win at least nine tricks.

 ‘Family that plays together, stays together.

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