End of January, the Willingdon Sports Club had their 5th annual bridge tournament. We came across this very interesting and rather swingy deal. Farokh Hansotia, ‘a jolly good fellow’, and Rustom Thanawalla, an ‘officer and a gentleman’, were the Willingdon club prize winners. Rustom sitting South was the declarer. With his dummy reversal skill, he played this deal brilliantly.
They were playing the system where they show both the minors minimum 5/4 either way. On Rustom’s opening of 2♦, Farokh took a bold and beautiful plunge of 4NT and they landed in 6♦. Rather over ambitious slam. While 6♠or 6 ♣was the easier slam to make.
Rustom captured ♥J with ♥A, ruffed a heart with small diamond, entered the dummy with a club to ♣A and ruffed a small heart with a small diamond. Now, he played ♠Q and overtook with ♠K and finesse the diamond towards ♦J. Cashed ♦K went to dummy with a small club to ♣K, cashed ♦A pitching a small club. Came in his hand with ♠A, back in dummy to ♠J and on ♠10 threw the last club. Twelve tricks and the slam. Rustom needed both, guts and God! East gave an annoyed shake of his head and put down his glittering♦Q. Rustom’s and Farokh’s eyes shone with strange light.
Well bid Farokh and well played Rustom.
‘Losers visualise the penalties of failure;
winners visualise the rewards of success!’
They were playing the system where they show both the minors minimum 5/4 either way. On Rustom’s opening of 2♦, Farokh took a bold and beautiful plunge of 4NT and they landed in 6♦. Rather over ambitious slam. While 6♠or 6 ♣was the easier slam to make.
Rustom captured ♥J with ♥A, ruffed a heart with small diamond, entered the dummy with a club to ♣A and ruffed a small heart with a small diamond. Now, he played ♠Q and overtook with ♠K and finesse the diamond towards ♦J. Cashed ♦K went to dummy with a small club to ♣K, cashed ♦A pitching a small club. Came in his hand with ♠A, back in dummy to ♠J and on ♠10 threw the last club. Twelve tricks and the slam. Rustom needed both, guts and God! East gave an annoyed shake of his head and put down his glittering♦Q. Rustom’s and Farokh’s eyes shone with strange light.
Well bid Farokh and well played Rustom.
‘Losers visualise the penalties of failure;
winners visualise the rewards of success!’
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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