Sunday, 23 December 2018

Loser On Loser

Celebrations for Christmas will begin tomorrow.  These include decorating the Christmas tree, cakes, carols and jolly old Santa Claus, who brings gifts for children.

'Apro' Dara has carefully preserved this really juicy deal for all of us and brought it all the way from Washington DC.

West led A, declarer ruffed and played off six more trumps, hoping something good might happen.  It didn't and he went down.

Dummy actually contained numerous useful cards which if utilized, can produce a 10th trick.  If South ruffs A with high trump, and plays 8 to 9, then it leads Q and throws away a black card from hand. Say ♠4.  West wins K and leads a spade to declarer's ♠A.  South now leads  6 to 10 and plays 10. When East follows low, South throws away his 9.  West winning with the J.  Whatever West leads, South can win.  Cross to dummy with the carefully preserved 3 to  7. Lead 9 - now a winner - on which to throw a club loser.  That loser-on-play has established the final diamond as declarer's 10th trick.

'Keep calm and get
your ho ho ho on'

Wishing all my readers a merry Christmas.

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

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