Over the weekend was Johnson & Johnson’s 46th edition of their annual bridge championship. The beautiful “mind sport” was held at their Arena Space in Jogeshawari. Archie Sequeira has been a part of all from the year 1971. Kudos to Archie! The above deal is courtesy ‘Apro’ Dara from Washington DC.
West led ♣9 to East’s ♣Q, and East switched to ♦2, South read this as a singleton, so rose with ♦A. She ruffed her club in dummy, and led a trump, discovering the bad news. West’s trump void suggested that she was long in the other suits, so South led ♥J. West correctly covered. This left dummy with one heart winner to discard one diamond loser from hand but, seemingly, no way to avoid losing ♦Q. South had other ideas. She drew all four trumps and then led her fifth and final spade. West, holding ♥987 and ♦Q7, had to discard, if she threw a heart, all dummy’s hearts would be winners; if she let go a diamond, South’s ♦KJ would both be good.
A perfect simple squeeze!
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