Sunday, 9 December 2018


Over the weekend was Johnson & Johnson’s 46th edition of their annual bridge championship. The beautiful “mind sport” was held at their Arena Space in Jogeshawari. Archie Sequeira has been a part of all from the year 1971. Kudos to Archie! The above deal is courtesy ‘Apro’ Dara from Washington DC. 

West led  9 to East’s  ♣Q, and East switched to 2, South read this as a singleton, so rose with A. She ruffed her club in dummy, and led a trump, discovering the bad news. West’s trump void suggested that she was long in the other suits, so South led J. West correctly covered. This left dummy with one heart winner to discard one diamond loser from hand but, seemingly, no way to avoid losing Q. South had other ideas. She drew all four trumps and then led her fifth and final spade. West, holding 987 and Q7, had to discard, if she threw a heart, all dummy’s hearts would be winners; if she let go a diamond, South’s KJ would both be good.

A perfect simple squeeze! 

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