West led the ♦5. East played
the ♦J and continued with the ♦A which South ruffed. South
cashed the ♠A and ♠K. The
fortune was with the South —
both opponents followed and
only ♠J was at large.
Now, South should play a
heart to the ♥K, East would
win and would play a diamond
which South would ruff and
play the ♣A and ♣K just in
case East has a singleton or
doubleton ♣Q. South could
make an overtrick. If West has
the ♣QXX, the best West can
do is win a third club and exit
a heart to dummy. Now, all
South has to do is return to his
hand with a spade and take his
remaining clubs. It’s a bit of a
sticky deal.
During history lesson, the
teacher briefly went through
the Kings and Queens who rule
countries. “But,” the teacher
continued, “There is a higher
category of power; can anybody
tell me what it is?”
One child blurted out, “Aces!”
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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