Sunday, 14 October 2018

Defensive Problem

Three more days and Dussehra will be celebrated all over India. It’s observed on the 10th day of Navaratri and is a celebration of the victory of Lord Rama over the demon Ravana. The triumph of good over evil. 

Today’s deal is a defensive problem. West leads the ♠2, dummy plays low and South takes the  Q. South almost surely has the  J, from both his bidding and his failure to put up dummy’s  K on the first spade. 

South must have a long, strong clubs since he bid 3NT with such few high cards. After clubs are established, he may have nine winners, East can lead the  A and a third spade to set up West’s fourth spade, but East-West will come to only four defensive tricks that way. 

To beat 3NT, South must shift to the  K at trick two. If South takes the  A and starts the clubs, East should duck twice and win the third club. South’s hand is dead, and he will take at most eight tricks. 

Above deal courtesy ‘Apro’ Dara. We are awaiting his arrival from Washington DC. 

‘The important thing is to teach a child that good can always triumph over evil’.

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