Sunday, 2 September 2018

The Moment of Truth

There comes a time in many a hand when you arrive at the “moment of truth”.
West leads the 2, East plays the Q and South tops that that with the K. At trick two and three, South plunks down the A and K. Both follow to the first round, but East discards the Q on the second.

With a certain trump loser, where do you go from here? Assume the
K is with West. Your plan is to strip West of all of her major-suit cards before exiting a trump, forcing a diamond lead away from West’s presumed J.

So you start with the
Q, which is covered and taken by dummy’s Ace. Continue with the J and a spade ruff, followed by the K,A and a heart ruff. You have now arrived at the moment of truth. Exit with the trump and duck a diamond return to your 10.

The slam is made! At the moment of truth, there are either reasons or results. 

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