Sunday, 16 September 2018

Minimum Strength

Just two days ago, Ganesh Chathurthi, the birthday of Lord Ganesha was celebrated all over in Maharashtra. On this day, beautiful hand crafted idols of the Lord were installed, both in homes and in public. 

West led the ♣Q, South won with the A and led a trump to dummy’s J. East took the A and returned a club to South’s K. South now cashed with K. When West showed out, South ducked a heart hoping hearts would break 3-3, giving South a discard for the J. South actually lost two trumps, a diamond and a heart. 

Once East showed the A, West had at most 11 high- card points. To double, vulnerable, with such minimum strength, West surly had a singleton spade. South should have led a heart to dummy at the fourth trick and return a trump to his 9. 

Bridge players on the Titanic, When the iceberg hit wouldn’t panic, 
“Of course we’ll go down’, Said South, with a frown, 
Every King is offside — it’s Satanic! 

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