Sunday, 12 August 2018

The Proper Line

Just three days more and our nation will be celebrating her 71st Independence Day. 

West led the ♣Q. Even though the ♣K was a goner, 5♠ looked cold. All South has to do is draw trumps and ruff a diamond in dummy. East took the ♣K with the ♣A and continued with a small club. 

South ruffed the club and led trump, East showed out. This means South couldn’t draw trumps and later ruff a diamond. As one can see from the layout South has a diamond loser on many lines of play. 

The proper line is to ruff the second club and lead the Q. One of the opponents would win the heart and whatever they do, South has four entries to dummy to set up a heart trick and return to dummy to use it. 

A bridge player was matched up with another player when he showed up without a partner. All through the match, whenever he made a mistake, his partner would say, “No man is perfect.” Later the bridge player found out his name was Norman!

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