Just three days more and our
nation will be celebrating her
71st Independence Day.
West led the ♣Q. Even though
the ♣K was a goner, 5♠ looked
cold. All South has to do is draw
trumps and ruff a diamond in
dummy. East took the ♣K with
the ♣A and continued with a
small club.
South ruffed the club and
led trump, East showed out.
This means South couldn’t
draw trumps and later ruff a
diamond. As one can see from
the layout South has a diamond
loser on many lines of play.
The proper line is to ruff the
second club and lead the ♥Q.
One of the opponents would
win the heart and whatever
they do, South has four entries
to dummy to set up a heart
trick and return to dummy
to use it.
A bridge player was matched
up with another player when
he showed up without a
partner. All through the match,
whenever he made a mistake,
his partner would say, “No man
is perfect.” Later the bridge
player found out his name was
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