‘Raindrops from clouds and onto trees,
Down the tree trunks and off the leaves,
The brook that leaps from
hill to plain,
The sound of rippling streams,
how beautiful is the rain!’
These exact thoughts would be in the minds of Mumbai bridgers who will be driving down through the Khandala ghats to Pune for The Poona Club annual tournaments over this weekend.
West opened weak notrump and North bid 2♣, the Astro convention promising hearts and a minor, typically at least 5-4.
West starts with three rounds of clubs, East following throughout. Assuming trumps are splitting 3-2 yet there is a danger of falling into a trump promotion.
As West is marked with the ♥A from the bidding, you should play a diamond to your King, followed by a heart to dummy’s Jack. Then continue with the ♥Q, now the contract is safe. If West leads the last club, ruff in the dummy and, if East ruffs you, overruff, so there is no danger in promoting a trump trick.
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