Sunday, 15 July 2018

The Best Line

Hey! What do you know? ‘Apro’ Dara is back in Amchi Mumbai, all the way from Washington DC with a juicy deal for us to enjoy. 

West led Q. Declarer faces losing A and a club, since dummy’s second diamond winner can provide only one club discard from hand. The best line seems to be to hope that East holds A. If that is so, the contract can be made in two different ways. 

Declarer leads ª from dummy. If East rises with the A, South can later discard one club loser from hand on A and a second on K. If East plays low on the heart, declarer’s Q wins the trick. Now, South can draw trumps in two rounds finishing in dummy and play A, discarding 6 from hand, so avoiding a heart loser altogether. 

If West turns up with A, South still has the chance to finesse West for the J, or to play to ruff out J in three rounds and then use 10 and A to discard two clubs from hand. 

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 
‘Till your good is better and your better is best!

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