Hey! What do you know? ‘Apro’
Dara is back in Amchi Mumbai,
all the way from Washington DC
with a juicy deal for us to enjoy.
West led ♦Q. Declarer faces
losing ♥A and a club, since
dummy’s second diamond
winner can provide only one
club discard from hand. The
best line seems to be to hope
that East holds ♥A. If that is so,
the contract can be made in
two different ways.
Declarer leads ª from dummy.
If East rises with the ♥A, South
can later discard one club
loser from hand on ♦A and a
second on ♥K. If East plays
low on the heart, declarer’s ♥Q wins the trick. Now, South
can draw trumps in two rounds
finishing in dummy and play ♦A, discarding ♥6 from hand,
so avoiding a heart loser
If West turns up with ♥A, South
still has the chance to finesse
West for the ♥J, or to play to
ruff out ♥J in three rounds and
then use ♥10 and ♦A to discard
two clubs from hand.
Good, better, best. Never let it
‘Till your good is better and
your better is best!
Blog : www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID :@HemaDeora
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