Sunday, 22 July 2018

Out of Safe Lead

Mumbai, the city of dreams, has been finally relieved of its hot summers as the rains continue to lash on. But they also bring with them traffic jams and potholes. Yet, this is the season most Mumbaikars eagerly wait for! 

West led the ♣Q and continued with the J. South ruffed the second club and drew one round of trumps before playing a low diamond toward dummy. East won his Q and led his A, which South ruffed. Another low diamond went to West’s J and the game was lost. West was due another diamond and instead of ten tricks, South had only nine. 

After ruffing the second club, South should lead a trump to dummy to ruff dummy’s last club. Another trump is led to dummy and the singleton heart is led to South’s 10 and West’s Q. Since West is now out of safe leads, no matter what he does South gets home with a tenth trick. 

Bath coup — getting to use the tub before your roommate!

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