Sunday, 8 April 2018


South, a pretty face, dealt this hand and opened 1. North straightaway jumped to 4. Recognising West’s lead as a short suit lead, she quickly attacked trumps after winning the first club. West played small and east won the A to lead second club. south persisted in trumps, east signaling with the 10, as West won K. West led a diamond to east’s ace and a third round of clubs set a ruff for West, sending the game down one and causing a look of pain on pretty face. 

South should have understood that the A is a greater threat to her than a trump honour. Therefore, declarer should have played a diamond before playing trumps. 

East would have captured dummy’s Q with her A and returned a club. Now, a spade to dummy’s ace and south could have discarded her last high club on dummy’s K – the winner-on-winner play. It was safe for south to lead trumps regardless of how the defenders maneuver; all that was left for them was just two top trump tricks.  

‘Winner takes talent, to repeat takes character’ 

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