Tomorrow is Buddha Jayanti, the birth anniversary of the magnificent spiritual leader Gautam Buddha, the founder of 'Buddhism'. Buddha Jayanti is celebrated on the full moon of the Baisakh month. It's considered to be the most sacred day in the Buddhist calendar.
West led the ♥2. East contributed the ♥9 at trick one and South won the ♥Q. Requiring some trick in the spade suit, South continued with a spade to the ♠8. Taken by East with the ♠Q. East returned the ♥J.
it may seem insignificant until further analysis is applied. south should win the ♥J and play a second spade. Whether West wins the ♠A immediately or delays the process, the defenders cannot win two heart tricks.
This gives south options. If diamonds divide, success! However, if diamonds do not divide, South has an additional option, the club finesse. With hearts blocked, South can afford to lose two spades, one heart and one club with the favourable spade layout.
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