West held the first trick with
the king of spades, East
playing the jack. It was barely
possible that West had made a
vulnerable two spade overcall
on a suit of only five cards to
the KQ10. Nevertheless, tony
held up the spade ace a
second time when West
continued spades. Can you
see why?
Unless the opposing clubs
were 2-2, the suit was blocked.
By ducking spades twice, tony
was able to throw the
apparently insignificant club 5
under the spade ace. He could
then run five club tricks
painlessly, bring his total to
Deafening silence:- husband
was talking to a doctor about
his wife “doctor, when we play
bridge, I think my wife is deaf
because she never hears my
bid and I always have to repeat
things.” “Well,” the doctor
replied, “the next time you
play bridge, bid normally. If
she doesn’t reply, say it louder
and louder. Keep doing this so
that we’ll get an idea about
the severity of her deafness.” Sure enough, the next time
they played Bridge, he does
exactly as instructed. He
starts off saying “One Spade”. He hears no response. He says
it louder One Spade”. Still no
reply. And again “One Spade”! He gets fed up and screams at
the top of his voice “Sheryl! I’M BIDDING ONE SPADE!” Sheryl picks up a pen and
writes down “For the fourth
time, one no trump”.
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
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