Sunday, 22 October 2017

Danger Hand

If you are not a fan, you would surly become one after seeing 'This Is It!' The movie opens after a bit of scrolling text, with a number of concert dancers weeping and excitedly talking into the camera about the gig and their love for Michael Jackson who"ll live forever in their hearts.

An event of a lifetime, the concert that never was.  That was the moment! 'This is it'!

At trick two, declarer played a low club from dummy and finessed the ♣ 8, losing to the ♣Q.  diamonds were continued, declarer winning the third round.  Needing one additional trick, South crossed to dummy with the ♣A and led the ♠Q, finessing East.  West won and cashed two more diamond tricks to take 3NT one down.

West can be kept off lead in clubs but not in spades if West has the ♠Kx or longer.  Declarer should take the spade finesse at trick two, as that can be taken only one way,  into danger hand with the long diamonds.  West  wins and continues diamonds, South taking the K on the third round.  Now South finesses the clubs into the safe hand, East.  If East wins with the ♣ Q and has another diamond, South must hope diamonds were originally 4-4.

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