North’s 4♣ bid promised a singleton or void in clubs, at least a four-card spade support, first or second round, controls in the unbid suits, and a minimum opening.
West leads the ♦6, a fourth-best lead. the diamond lead is not a surprise because the auction strongly implied that any diamond strength would be found in dummy. If the finesse is right, the hand is easy but what can you do if it is wrong?
Win the ♦A, draw trumps, ruff two clubs in dummy and two hearts in your hand, ending in hand. You have two diamonds and a spade in each hand. Lead a diamond towards the queen. If west follows low, play the queen. Bad news! the king is offside, as you might have guessed. The good news is that east started with double ton ♦K and must concede a ruff and discard and the contract.
The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.
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