Sunday, 21 May 2017

Vital Entry to Dummy

On sunny hot summer day,
Chirping birds come my way
small, big, beautiful, smashing,
take a dip in water splashing!

With ten trumps missing the queen, it is normal to play the Ace and King and hope the Queen drops.If spades are 2-1, that would give you ten tricks. Here only a 3-0 trump break threatens you and, as cards lie. The opponents can come to one trick in each suit and beat you. The diamond lead has removed your only entry to dummy but you can safe guard your contract by leading a spade to the ♠J. As the cards lie, this wins and you claim ten tricks after drawing trumps.

If ♠J loses to West ♠Q, dummy’s ♠6 becomes an entry on the third round of trumps. You ruff a diamond return with a high trump, draw last trump and lead a heart to the K.

East can take the A but you win any return, lead the spade to dummy and cash the heart winner, discarding your club loser.

Every exit is an entry somewhere else!

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