‘The Heat and the
sunshine and the great bursts of leaves and flowers growing on the trees, I had
the familiar conviction that life was beginning all over again, with summer!’
It’s a bit unnerving
to play in a trump contract missing the AKQXX of your trump suit, plus three
other losers, but life goes on.
It looks like six
losers even if trumps divide 3-2.
However, where there’s life…
It clubs divide 3-3,
South can play four rounds of clubs (overtaking the ♣J)
and discard a heart from dummy while one opponent or the other ruffs.
Look at the East-West
hands. If West ruffs, West is ruffing
with a trump trick. South winds up
losing three spades and two diamonds, but no hearts. If West discards and East ruffs, low, South’s
opponents’ spade honours would collide on the next two leads of the suit. Once again South makes his contact.
When things are shaky
and nothing is working, we might realize that we are on the verge of something!
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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