West leads the ♦3. south wins
the ♦A. At trick two south
leads a spade from dummy,
East plays low, and south’s ♠Q
drives out West’s ♠K. At trick
three West plays the ♦2, West
has led either a five-card
diamond suit or a doubleton. If
West has led from a doubleton,
the hand cannot be made as
there are four losers; two
spades, one heart and one
diamond. Since the hand
cannot be made if West has
two diamonds, south should
play West for five diamonds
and insert the ♦9. East will ruff,
but would lack a tempo to set
up a heart winner. If East
returns a heart, south can win,
knock out East’s trump ace,
win the heart return and lead a
diamond to the ♦J to pitch his
losing heart.
A husband invites three friends
over to play bridge. Throughout
the evening he keeps pestering
his wife: “Honey, could you
bring us some drinks?”, “Some
sandwiches would be nice,
dear”, “Have we any cake?” and
so on. After his friends leave,
he finds his wife in the kitchen
cleaning up. “You look busy,” he
says, “Can I give you a hand?”
“That would be great” she says.
“Okay, you have got 5 spades
to ace, KQJ and another heart,
4 clubs…..!”
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora