December, the last month of the year. It’s a month of winter, the holy month
and the time for many celebrations.
In what
order South played this hand to make
this remarkable contract?
He won the
♥A, cashed the ♣AK and
the ♦A. Crossed to
dummy in trumps and played ♦K discarding
the ♥8, diamond ruff. When the ♦Q did not appear he ran the trumps. When he led his
last trump, he was down to ♠ 65, ♥J, ♣2. Dummy held, AK9, ♦J.
Since West
was dealt the ♦Q, he was actually squeezed in three suits
earlier. But let's assume that the ♦Q was
safely tucked away
in the East hand. What could West keep when South led the last trump? Not three
spades and the ♥Q. South knew which cards were
good. If South hadn't seen the ♥Q, he
discarded dummy’s ♦J and cashed the three
spades. West was squeezed in the majors; the ♦Q was the extra candle on the birthday cake! You know you’re
getting old when you get that one candle
on the cake. It’s like, ‘See if you can blow this out.’
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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