It’s the
wedding season again! An Indian wedding is a grand occasion, lavish with a lot
of noise and show. The music and dance all are a part of this extravaganza.
It’s almost like a festival.
South’s 3♠ call was a slam try with a long suit. North showed
himself amenable to the idea of a slam an advance cue bid of 4♣* West
led ♥K, not obliging with a minor-suit lead. At first
glance, it looked as if south will have to guess the ♣Q for the contract. He could discard one of his small clubs on the ♥A but that will not be enough to avoid the club finesse. Is there
another way? How will you play?
The play
offers the best combination of chances but the actual declarer made the slam by
ruffing the opening heart lead and guessing that West held the ♦A. He played the ♦4 a
trick two and West had no reply as cards lay. In fact, he ducked and declarer
discarded the ♦K on the ♥A. Had West taken the ace declarer would have ditched two clubs
on the ♦Q and ♥A. You should always combine your chances.
is a workshop…
husband works
And wife
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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