Sunday, 17 May 2015


Nowadays rising up from bed early morning is helped by melodious sweet calls from Koyal, The Nightingale of India, and symbol of sweet song. This call is supposed to foreshadow rain. Let's keep our fingers crossed!! This is one of my favorite hands by Michael Lawrence. South opens 1NT, 15-17 points, and North uses Stayman to reach 4♠. East knows by counting the visible high-card points that West has two, three or four points. The 2 lead suggests something in hearts, which can only be the King. Assuming West has the K; there is a defense that may set 4♠. At trick one, East plays the 9, not the A. South wins in his hand and finesses the ♠Q. East takes this and now continues the A and another heart. West takes his K, which gets East-West to the crucial moment. If West is wise enough to lead another heart, East's ♠10 is promoted to the setting trick. Fantasy!! Said a boy to his mother: "Dad keep talking about duck, when is he going to get one at home for dinner?"

Twitter ID: @HemaDeora

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