Summer has finally come! The warm breeze, the happy songs of the birds and especially the call of cuckoo! Not to miss the flowering tree tops. It's time to have recreational indoor activities and there couldn't be better pass time than bridging on a hot summer day!
West led ♥9 and the declarer could count six top tricks when dummy went down. The club suit was the most likely source of three further tricks, but in that case entries would be needed in the South hand. With this aim in mind South rose with the ♥K at trick one, preserving his ♥A and ♥J.
Without further ado, South played the ♣A and When ♣4 was led from dummy East followed with the ♣3. A finesse of the ♣J would succeed only when East held both ♣K and ♣Q: it would lose when West held a doubleton honour. South decided to rise with the ♣A -- a play that might gain when East held a doubleton honour, since the safer East hand would win the second round. South continued with a low club and was rewarded when the ♣K appeared from West. A spade switch went to East's King and the spade return drew the Jack, Queen and Ace. Now declarer's care at trick one paid off. He crossed to his hand with a heart to the Jack and led the ♣J, forcing out East's ♣Q. Whether or not East chose to cash the ♠10, declarer had nine tricks - four clubs, three hearts and the two Aces.
Twitter ID: @HemaDeora
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