The butterflies are floating through the air As the wind whistles through my hair!
The grass is green and the trees are tall The heat is felt by one and all, As time ticks and the clock goes by I too let life pass me by! It is unlikely that West has both the ♠K and the♦Q for a weak jump overcall. A play that caters to West having one (or neither) of those cards is to cross to the ♠A, ruff a club, and exit with ♠Q. If West has the ♠K, then East surely has the ♦Q so only an overtrick has been lost. However, if East has the ♠K and West has the ♠10x or ♠Jx, East is more or less end played. East cannot return a spade without setting up a spade for a diamond discard: East has no clubs and must return a diamond giving you two chances at the apple if you play low. If ♦10 drives out the ♦K, take a diamond finesse on the way back. If East has the ♦10 and West the ♦Q your troubles are over. The suggested line is not 100%, but is the best given the bidding.
Twitter ID: @HemaDeora