Japan has a yearly flower-viewing celebration called hanami, where thousands of people hold feasts under blooming cherry-blossom trees, or sakura. This tradition is over a thousand years old. The cherry blossoms trees bloom briefly; the blossoms are often seen as metaphor for the ephemeral beauty of living.
The 2♥ bid was a transfer to spades. North's 3♠ showed six spades and game invitation. Despite a minimum 1NT, the three-card spade support, the ruffing potential in club and three aces persuaded South to bid to game. If 4♠failed, no doubt North and South would blame each other for overbidding.
West leads the ♣K, which is allowed to hold. South wins the ♣Q continuation and leads a spade to the King. When West discards a club on this, you have a sure trump loser. Dummy's heart is led at trick four and East wins with the ♥A. East's club return is ruffed by you. How do you play from here?
The declarer continued with the ♥J. West played low and a diamond was discarded from dummy. Judging that West would have heart length and that the ♥K was unlikely to drop on the next round, declarer continued with the ♥Q, King from West, ruffed in dummy. When the ♥10 dropped, South's ♥9 was high. After a spade to the Ace, and the ♦A was cashed, followed by the ♥9, on which dummy's last diamond was discarded. East could ruff but dummy had the rest of tricks. Good judgment
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