Sunday, 12 April 2015

Consider entries

South ducked two high spades from West and cashed the third one, East following with the ♠9. Counting nine winners gets declarer only partway towards his goal. Barring a bad diamond break, South counted nine winners — one spade, two hearts, four diamonds and two clubs.

Without further ado, South played the A and K and a third diamond, getting both good news and bad. The good news was that diamonds split, the bad news was that he couldn't reach his ♣A. After West had won the third diamond, he cashed his high spade and exited with a club to dummy’s ♣K. With
the lead locked in dummy, West waited for his Q and West took five defensive tricks.

To make the game, South should consider entries as well as the number of winning tricks. After winning the third spade, South should play a low diamond and duck it completely. West wins and cashes his high spade, but that is all, South’s diamond entries assure him that his ♣A will cash and instead of down one, South collects his game and rubber.

Those we loved don’t go away; they walk beside us everyday, Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed.


Twitter ID: @HemaDeora

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