Three words with which I would describe Hong Kong: wicked, rad and breath taking! I really think it is one of the coolest (if not the coolest) cities in the world. I loved everything about Hong Kong because it combines it all: flair, life, fashion, business, multicultural and one hell of a sky line. South opens a classic vulnerable weak two-bid and North takes a fair shot by bidding game. West leads the ♦7. South wins in dummy and draws three rounds of trumps. West having three of them. How should you continue in order to make your contract? This looks like an easy hand. You can knock out the ♣A and hope to make five if the opponents fail to take two heart tricks in the meantime. There is a catch, though. What if clubs divide 4-0? Say you lead the ♣3 to the King, if East has all four clubs, he can let king win. You now have two club losers along with two possible heart losers. Instead of risking a 4- 0 club break you can attack hearts and set up dummy's jack. This will give you ten sure tricks. Alternatively, you can attack cubs if you do it carefully. Lead the ♣J from your hand. Whether East takes the Ace or not you have a sure club entry to dummy to cash the ♥J. Assume East ducks the ♣J. You will switch to Hearts leading the K of Heart from your hand. By continuing with 10 of Heart at your next chance you will establish dummy's Heart J and you will still have time to get to dummy with club. Note that your 9 of club will stop East from leading clubs and setting up a club trick for the defense.
Twitter ID: @HemaDeora