IT'S Easter today, the time
when Christians remember
the death and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ. The egg has
many interpretations, but
it is known as an ancient
symbol of new life, and has
been associated with festivals
celebrating spring. Easter is
celebrated all over the world.
A popular line would be
to win ♥A; play a spade to
dummy’s ♠K, a heart to ♥K
and cash the two top spades.
As long as♠J drops, South will
end up with 14 tricks.
However, that’s not the best
way to guarantee the 10 tricks.
After winning trick one, you
should cash ♠A, squashing
dummy’s ♠K. Then continue
with ♠Q and ♠10, driving out ♠J. Suppose the defenders
cash two diamond tricks
before switching to a club,
trying to cut you off from the
dummy. Win the club, play
a heart to our ♥K, draw the
remaining trumps and run the
‘The best way to cheer
yourself up is to try to cheer
somebody else up.’
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