OVER the weekend, there
was Suhas Vaidya memorial
and Maharashtra State
Bridge championship held in
Pune at the PYC Gymkhana.
Mumbaikars and Punekars
mingled and did a postmortem
of the game after every
session. The organising
chairman, Milind Bhadbhade,
toiled hard along with his
committee members to make
this event a great success.
In above deal, the easiest
approach is to get the
defenders to give you the key
to the gate.
South won the lead of ♥J
with ♥K.
South drew trumps;
he took ♥A and gave up a
Suppose West had won
(East unblocking ♥Q) and led
a club, and dummy’s ♣J was
lost to the East’s ♣Q. East then
would return a club, ♣K would
score for South’s 10th trick.
If instead East would return a
diamond, he has guessed ♦Q
for South. If East would lead a
heart, South would throw his
last club as dummy would ruff.
South then could try to locate ♦Q for an overtrick.
‘Before anything else,
preparation is the key to
Tomorrow is voting day. The
sure way of participating in the
process of nation-building is
to vote.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora