Sunday, 28 April 2019


OVER the weekend, there was Suhas Vaidya memorial and Maharashtra State Bridge championship held in Pune at the PYC Gymkhana. Mumbaikars and Punekars mingled and did a postmortem of the game after every session. The organising chairman, Milind Bhadbhade, toiled hard along with his committee members to make this event a great success. 

In above deal, the easiest approach is to get the defenders to give you the key to the gate. South won the lead of J with  K. 

South drew trumps; he took A and gave up a heart. Suppose West had won (East unblocking Q) and led a club, and dummy’s ♣J was lost to the East’s ♣Q. East then would return a club, ♣K would score for South’s 10th trick. If instead East would return a diamond, he has guessed Q for South. If East would lead a heart, South would throw his last club as dummy would ruff. South then could try to locate Q for an overtrick. 

‘Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.’ 

Tomorrow is voting day. The sure way of participating in the process of nation-building is to vote.

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 21 April 2019


IT'S Easter today, the time when Christians remember the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The egg has many interpretations, but it is known as an ancient symbol of new life, and has been associated with festivals celebrating spring. Easter is celebrated all over the world. 

A popular line would be to win A; play a spade to dummy’s K, a heart to K and cash the two top spades. As long asJ drops, South will end up with 14 tricks. 

However, that’s not the best way to guarantee the 10 tricks. After winning trick one, you should cash A, squashing dummy’s K. Then continue with Q and 10, driving out J. Suppose the defenders cash two diamond tricks before switching to a club, trying to cut you off from the dummy. Win the club, play a heart to our K, draw the remaining trumps and run the clubs.

 ‘The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.’

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 14 April 2019

The comparison

YESTERDAY was a celebration day as it was the occasion of Lord Rama’s birthday. Ram Navami is a Hindu spring festival, observed on the ninth and last day of Chaitra Navratri.

Certainly, this is a good slam, but it isn’t easy to bid. May be a few pairs will reach 6. However in match-pointed pairs, in comparison scoring at 3NT, two over-tricks can be very important. If South ducks the heart and East wins the trick. East will shift to spade quickly and the defense will win four tricks. But since there is a 95 per cent chance that diamonds will behave, in this form of scoring one should go for 11 tricks by winning the first heart with Ace.

‘Don’t compare your life to others. There is no comparison between the Sun and the Moon. They shine when it’s their time.’

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 7 April 2019

The only chance

YESTERDAY all the Maharashtrians must have celebrated Gudi Padwa by raising the decorated Gudi flag. Generally, it is of red or yellow colour and garlanded with flowers, neem and mango leaves. It is topped with upturned silver vessel, signifying the victory of Lord Ram over Ravana. It marks the Maharashtrian New Year, too.

West couldn’t open the bidding, yet has ♠AKQ109. How can he have K as well? He cannot. So,  South’s only chance — however unlikely — is that East has the singleton K.

South should cash A, getting the bad news, then should lead a diamond to dummy’s A. When K drops, should finesse East out of his Q and claim 10 tricks, five hearts and five diamonds. 

If East didn’t understand why South dropped his K, South should keep him as an opponent.

‘Never interrupt your opponent when he or she is making a mistake.’

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora