Hope the new year was a
great start with a lot of happy
bridging with my readers!
This was an interesting deal
for the defense. South was in
a partial contract of 2♥. West
led ♦4. Dummy played ♦J and
East played ♦Q. East returned ♠2. South played ♠J and West
played ♠A. West continued ♠7, which East won, and
South played ♠10. South won
the third round of spades with ♠Q. When South played ♥A
and ♥K, West followed with ♥9 and then discarded ♦2 on
the second round. South led a
diamond to ♦K and East’s ♦A.
It is clear not to return a
heart. That would give up a
trick South was counting on.
The choices are the thirteenth
spade or a club into dummy’s ♣KJ754. Which will it be?
East was an alert player
and smartly he cashed ♣A,
and got out with ♣2. This
gave declarer an entry to
dummy. But since South
had not been able to shorten
his trumps, the trump coup
did not work. North led a
diamond, but
East just discarded his last
spade and waited for the
setting trick.
‘If you are intelligent, if you
are alert, the ordinary becomes
the extraordinary.’
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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