Sunday, 19 November 2017

Logical Play

Just a few days ago my friend from the 21st floor in my building invited me for a rubber bridge game. He asked me not to get the oxygen mask along, as “the air is very pure on my 21st floor terrace”. He had two friends from Delhi visiting him, who had just entered the room with their oxygen masks. Probably, that’s the reason he got confused and instructed me not to do so.

Sitting South was a young one, as cool as an oyster on the half-shell and as chirpy as a spring breeze. Her partner was a bald-domed, bushy browed, podgy guy. She took the first heart and returned a heart. East liked this plan and continued a third heart. South ruffed and West overruffed, West led a club to East’s ♣A and returned another heart. South threw away a club and West ruffed this one too. So 4♠ was doomed.

The podgy guy almost knocked her down with his toothpick in his hand! 

The logical play was South should have ducked the first heart. East would have won and continued heart. South should take the ♥A and play two rounds of spades, and should go to dummy with a diamond. The last heart she ruffs without any fuss and now South just has to concede a Spade and a club, making the contract of 4♠. 

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