Last Sunday, Bombay Gymkhana’s majestic dining hall was buzzing with Mohan Advani memorial Bridge tournament players. This is the fourth year since he is no longer with us. His charming wife, ‘Guddi’ and his dapper son, Amit, have been generously sponsoring this memorial event. Mohan was a soft-spoken, gentle and ardent Bridge player. Dr Dhananjay Subbarao always does a great job of organising this tournament.
South’s 2NT was 21-22 balanced. In reply to 3♣ Stayman, 3♠ showed four spades and denied four Hearts. West led ♥J. The lead surely was from Jack-doubleton. South played ♥2. East won the ♥K. He saw clearly there was no future in hearts. even if they set up, he had no entry later to cash them.
East thought very carefully and made a killing shift of ♣10. South ducked and East continued club. Had South played the ♣K, West would have taken the Ace and the ♣J, then, would set up two more club winners with ♦A as entry. That was a simple but thoughtful move.
We miss you Mohan!
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