Sunday, 3 September 2017

Right Line

This year, even as the Ganesh festival is on, God of rains, Lord Varun, doesn’t seem to be merciful towards Mumbaikars. heavy rains continued to lash mumbai and much damage has been caused. The rains are no more as joyful as usual.

West leads the 4, low from dummy, East wins the A, West ruffs the J and shifts to ♠10. If West starts with four trumps, south cannot afford to take the ♠A at trick three as he cannot ruff his club loser and enjoy the Q. South has to duck the spade in dummy and East would win with the ♠Q.  A spade return would be fatal for the defense. East led another diamond. South ruffed high, cashed the ♣A and ♣k and ruffed the third club with the 5. When this survived he was home. Trumps were drawn and the ♠A was the entry to reach the Q to discard a losing spade. South took the right line of play.

Frank and explicit – that is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and confuse the minds of others.

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