Sunday, 12 February 2017

Family Bridge Tournament

Today the 13th Family Bridge Tournament is being held at Bombay Gymkhana. The originator of this popular tournament was Dr Minoo Daver. Now his gentle and noble wife Dina continues the legacy. Hosie Hoosein, of course, is ever ready to offer a helping hand. We always feel the absence of Dr Minoo Daver. 

“This one is really a juicy deal!” said ‘Apro’ Dara, taking out an envelope from his pocket. I profusely thanked him for this, rather often, kind jester. 

South is in 6 and West leads the ♠J. South’s 2♣ bid was forcing and it guaranteed at least game invitational. North indicated three card heart support and South jumped to 6. Declarer seems to have 12 tricks, two spades, five hearts, four diamonds and one club. It looks obvious to win with dummy’s ♠A and to draw two rounds of trumps. If both opponents follow suit, South unblocks his A, draw the last trump with the Q and claim. 

Here, though, the trumps break 4-1. Now declarer needs a dummy entry to reach the three diamond winners. The entry has to be in spades, and that requires South to throw his ♠Q under dummy’s ♠A at trick one. 

A happy partnership is a matter of give and take. You give in and your partner takes credit.

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