South opened 2NT and his
partner transferred to show
five spades. Having only a
doubleton spade, South chose
to play in 3NT.
The opening lead was ♥7.
South’s first thought was to set
up dummy’s spades, but he
shouldn’t have expected too
much help from his opponents.
South won dummy’s ♥J at trick
one and played a spade from
dummy to ♠Q. Opponent
ducked the first round.
continued spade and East won
and played another heart.
South had no more spades in
his hand so he couldn’t win the
heart in hand to play another
spade. If he had won the heart
in dummy that was, the last
entry to spade would have
vanished. Down one.
South should have played a low
heart from dummy and won
the first trick in hand with ♥A.
Now he should have played on
spades and even with the
defensive hold up play South
would have had the ♥J and the ♥K as entries to set up and run
spade suit.
“Bridge partners are like
parking spots, the good ones
are taken and the available
ones are handicapped!”
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