Sunday, 21 August 2016

Avoid Those Traps

Last week was full of celebrations, first Independence Day, then Rakshabandhan. And, finally Parsi New Year with the spread of delicious dishes like Patra-ni-Machhi and Salli Murghi. I believe moog dal is mandatory with prawn patio! I'm sure 'Apro' Dara must have devoured the 'Bhonu'!

After West's lead of the 2, how should South plan the play?

Temptations abound In the play of today's game. Yield to taking a wrong finesse and the game goes down the drain.

It's too risky to play West for Length in clubs. So South should rise with dummy's Ace to avoid the fatal ruff by West. Next in an effort to draw all the trumps, South should lead a trump to his A and another trump to West's K. East signals with the 8 on the second trump and the danger of a club ruff still exists.

West shifts to a spade and South must refuse yet another finesse, otherwise West will get his club ruff. Dummy's A wins. South now draws the last trump, and it's finally time to concede a spade and a club ensuring ten tricks.

Have you heard of Parsi films that never made it to big screens?

1-Where Eagles Darius, 2-Bend it like Baman, 3- When Homi met Salli.

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