Sunday, 17 July 2016

Judge your priorities

The Bombay Gymkhana is, for the first time, holding a Bridge IPL Tournament over this weekend. For almost the whole of last month, the bridge room at Bombay Gymkhana has been packed with all teams practicing the game. I’m proud to say that Dr Dhananjay Subaro is behind the event. He has worked tirelessly to promote this mind sport in Bombay Gym which was, at one time known as a taboo! Kudos to Dr Subarao!

West led 5 to easts jack and South won the A. South cashed dummy’s two top diamonds. He could come back to his hand and set some diamond tricks, but there were only eight winners.

Clubs was a possible source of tricks. You can play A, another club and get to dummy twice with diamonds to set up clubs. Unfortunately, you do not have time to set up clubs if you have to lose two tricks to do so. However, if you are lucky enough to find a singleton club honour or KQ doubleton, you are home free.

South should now play the A and see if something good happens. If not, he can try the diamonds. This line risks going down three instead of one, but it increases your chances of taking nine tricks.

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