Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Devilish Lead

On the devilish trump lead, South has eight sure tricks and can ruff a heart for nine. It looks as if South might ruff a second heart, but he will have no entry in his hand without giving up the lead, and the opponents figure to be able to lead a second trump to foil that plan. 

South should win the spade in dummy and play a diamond. East will win the A and play a club or a second trump. If East switches to a club, South should win the ♣A, and play the A, K, heart ruff, diamond ruff, and heart ruff. South will lose two clubs, a diamond, making 4ª. If East plays second trump after winning the A, South should win in dummy, play the Q, and discard a club on it if the K does not appear, playing loser-on-loser. Again, the defense has no recourse. 

If East produces the K on the second diamond South should ruff high and return to dummy in trumps to cash remaining diamonds. 

Why will you never see Satan in an Armani suit? 
Because the Devil Wears Prada!

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