Dara, as usual, has given this brilliant defense hand for us to enjoy and improve!
settled for the small slam. West led §Q. This
hand is a duplication —the shape of dummy and declarer's hand is identical,
which is bad news, leaving South to worry about both a heart and a club loser.
South won §A,
drew trumps, cashed ¨AK and§K, and
exited with his third club. If West leads a diamond, declarer can ruff in dummy
and discard ©4 from hand; if West leads a low
heart, dummy's ©8 forces East's ©Q, won by declarer’s
and now the heart finesse through West to dummy's ©10 holds
the trick and 6ª
is made. A fine elimination endplay. But what defense would scupper this plan?
If West
imagines the scenario, he can avoid dummy's ©8 being
such importance and break up the end position with one play: he rejects the lead
of a low heart and instead plays ©J! Now,
whatever South does, he must lose a heart trick — a brilliant coup!
There once
was a lady named Bess,
Who made
up excuses
To lead up
And lost without having to guess.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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