At trick one Billy hopefully tried
the ªQ. No
luck. East produced the king. Billy won the ªA, led a
diamond to the ten, cashed the ¨A, crossed to the ©A and discarded
dummy’s losing spade on the ¨K.
Billy wound up losing two clubs and a heart. The question is, how did Billy know to play
like this or was he just lucky?
He was not lucky. Once Billy saw
East turn up with ªK
and a high club honor he knew that West had all the rest of the high
cards. Just a minute! When did Billy see
a high club honor come out of the East hand?
He did not actually see it, but he knew it was there. If West had the §AK he
would have led a club, not a spade, on opening lead. Since a high club honor was marked in the
East hand, Billy knew that the missing red suit honors were both in the West
hand. You do not get to be a five-time
world champion unless you work out things like this.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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