How should
South play today's diamonds? If you think that is the key question, you may not
be going after the right suit. Dummy won the first club and South wondered if
the diamonds were 2-2. He decided that they didn't have to be 2-2; ♦K10x or ♦Q10x in the East hand would also land the game.
At trick
two, he led a diamond and capture East's ♦Q with his ♦A. He returned to dummy with the ♦Q and led another diamond, and East showed out. West won cheaply and
continued clubs, and there was no way to save the game.
analysis of the diamond suit was accurate, but instead he should have taken the
best road to assure nine tricks. After winning the ♦A, South should play his top spades. When the
suit splits 3-3, he no longer has any reason to concern himself with
diamonds. He knocks out the ♦A and
claims four spades, two hearts, two clubs and one diamond just enough for game.
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