Bombay Gymkhana is holding Mohan Advani Memorial Bridge
Tournament today. It will be Mohan’s third death anniversary. His wife, fondly known
as ‘Guddi’ and his dapper son, Amit, together sponsor this tournament generously
every year. Dr.Dhanandjay Subarao always makes this event very memorable. Mohan
was an ardent bridge player. He had his calm ways to be on and off the table.
May his soul rest in peace. We miss you Mohan!
This is a deceptively difficult deal. West starts with
the three top clubs. East following throughout. After ruffing the third club,
it looks obvious to cash the ♥K and play a heart to dummy’s Ace.
If East has Jack four times, you can pick up and run the diamonds. Here, though,
where West has the four hearts, you are suddenly in big trouble. You may move
to diamonds, but West ruffs the third round and returns his last trump. He must
eventually score the ♠K to defeat the contract.
The answer is to cash the ♥KQ from
hand. If they split 3-2, draw the last trump and run the diamonds. But when
they go 4-1, switch immediately to diamonds. An opponent may ruff in, but you
win his return and play a heart to dummy’s Ace, which simultaneously draws the
last trump and gives you access to the remaining diamond tricks.
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